Katie Robertson

How did it feel to represent Scotland in the Commonwealth Games this year?

It was an honour to be part of team Scotland in Gold Coast, there is a special buzz about being part of such a patriotic team. The atmosphere in the village was amazing, and I got to meet lots of new people from different sports. My favourite moment of the tournament had to be scoring against Ghana but it’s very hard to pick one of many memorable moments. 


How did you find your Abertay experience?

I’ve enjoyed my time at Abertay and could not have done it without the support of staff. After my second year, I decided to become a part time student as it was becoming increasingly challenging to balance hockey commitments and my studies. The University were very supportive of my decision. Being part of the Elite Athlete Development Programme that Abertay has to offer allowed me to extend deadlines where necessary and also keep up with my studies when on training camps or away competing. 

I have met many Abertay alumni who are working at the highest level, which proves the quality of the sports courses that Abertay has to offer.
Katie Robertson | | BSc Sport and Psychology

What do you plan to do now you have graduated?

Now that I have graduated, I am going to continue with my hockey and I am going to begin a new career as a PE teacher. I start at Dollar Academy in August where I will be completing my Independent PGCE through the University of Buckingham. 


What was your favourite part about studying at Abertay?

The opportunities Abertay has to offer are invaluable. The active schools placement allowed me to discover a love of teaching and explore the skills essential for becoming a PE teacher. Within the elite sporting environment, I have met many Abertay alumni who are working at the highest level, which proves the quality of the sports courses that Abertay has to offer. I would recommend the Sport and Psychology course to anyone and I would also recommend Abertay to elite athletes, as the support from the university was incredible. 



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